The AutlawNeurotypicals Are Confused About Empathy, They Want SympathyWhat many autistic people struggle with is showing sympathy, not necessarily empathySep 24, 202416Sep 24, 202416
InWise & WellbyMorgana ClementineWhat Therapists Don’t Get About Neurodivergent ClientsThey need to understand us autistic and ADHD folks better for therapy to be supportiveSep 11, 202445Sep 11, 202445
The AutlawTalk Therapy Can Be Retraumatizing For Autistic Peopleand I think I’m breaking up with itJul 9, 202418Jul 9, 202418
InThe Unexpected Autistic LifebyAndreaAutistic People Are Dying From Suicide. Does Anyone Care?September is suicide prevention month. How can the suicide of autistic people be prevented?Sep 8, 20247Sep 8, 20247
InArtfullyAutisticbyGareth Ceidiog HughesThe Worst Kind Of People For Autistics To Deal WithThey’re just awful, and I’m going to explain whyFeb 28, 202429Feb 28, 202429
InThe Unexpected Autistic LifebyMorgana ClementineWhen Autism Doesn’t Look Like Autism: Lesser-Known Female Autistic TraitsI found out why I felt clever but stupid and crap at lifeJun 25, 202426Jun 25, 202426
InNeurodivergent LifebyGareth Ceidiog HughesWhy It May Be Unwise To Lie To AutisticsPeople on the spectrum can be the worst people to lie tooJun 13, 202418Jun 13, 202418
InAn Injustice!byAnnika HottaNetflix’s “Geek Girl” and Subtle Autism RepresentationWhere Harriet Manners’ character can improveJun 16, 202413Jun 16, 202413
InWise & WellbyThe Conversation U.S.Alcohol Causes Breast Cancer (But Most Women Don’t Know That)Drinking alcohol is normalized in US society, masking its serious health risksJun 12, 202420Jun 12, 202420
InThe Unexpected Autistic LifebyCharlotte Hill, PhDIs There A Central Shared Experience of Being Autistic?My complicated thoughts on a complicated question.May 28, 202412May 28, 202412